Microsoft Cisco Training, Courses & Certifications


siter certification cloud course

self-paced - globally recognized 2 course bundles - High demand skillsets

Full Stack
Web Developer

Online Self-paced, project-oriented, Industry curriculum, Job oriented

How Long?

2 Months self-paced learning

For Whom?

Any IT fellow who looks for a career change with a high salary or a fresher to start a career in fullstack web development.

Just why are you taking this course?
#1 - Most Valuable
Earning a European Course Completion Certification can significantly enhance your resume and increase your chances of getting shortlisted for a job interview.
#2 - Fantastic Chance
This is a great chance to learn the modern web application development and get placed in a tech company.
#3 - UpSkill & ReSkill
Learn how to create e-Commerce shopping applications like Amazon and Chat applications like WhatsApp. Be skilled in the frontend and backend web development and let employers identify you.
#4 - High Demand
There is a high demand for the skilled .NET Backend Developers, React Developers, Frontend Developers and Full Stack Web Developers. Take the appropriate role !!
#5 - Developers Earn More
You have a great chance due to the high demand of "Skilled" Developers. In Norway, the average yearly salary for a web developer is $65,000 USD.
#1 - Most Valuable
Earning a European Course Completion Certification can significantly enhance your resume and increase your chances of getting shortlisted for a job interview.
#2 - Fantastic Chance
This is a great chance to learn the modern web application development and get placed in a tech company.
#3 - UpSkill & ReSkill
Learn how to create e-Commerce shopping applications like Amazon and Chat applications like WhatsApp. Be skilled in the frontend and backend web development and let employers identify you.
#4 - High Demand
There is a high demand for the skilled .NET Backend Developers, React Developers, Frontend Developers and Full Stack Web Developers. Take the appropriate role !!
#5 - Developers Earn More
You have a great chance due to the high demand of "Skilled" Developers. In Norway, the average yearly salary for a web developer is $65,000 USD.
#1 - Most Valuable
Earning a European Course Completion Certification can significantly enhance your resume and increase your chances of getting shortlisted for a job interview.
#2 - Fantastic Chance
This is a great chance to learn the modern web application development and get placed in a tech company.
#3 - UpSkill & ReSkill
Learn how to create e-Commerce shopping applications like Amazon and Chat applications like WhatsApp. Be skilled in the frontend and backend web development and let employers identify you.
#4 - High Demand
There is a high demand for the skilled .NET Backend Developers, React Developers, Frontend Developers and Full Stack Web Developers. Take the appropriate role !!
#5 - Developers Earn More
You have a great chance due to the high demand of "Skilled" Developers. In Norway, the average yearly salary for a web developer is $65,000 USD.

Talent Pool

Talent Pool

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Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

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Enroll Now Course Open From
03 April 2025
Follow your own schedule


Industry Standard course delivery

Our Program Speciality

Our full stack curriculum is designed in collaboration with tech companies in Norway and Germany. We also embedded Microsoft's official curriculum in our program. Our course instructors are MCT - Microsoft Certified Trainer.

  • Blended Learning

    Pre-Recorded Lecture Videos, Demos, Workshop Records, Labs, Webinar Records, Self-Guided Projects & Assignments



  • Great opportunity to visit Europe and attend one of our AZ-900 bootcamps (Reg. fee waived).

Together let's set a goal for your success

Download Course Syllabus & Delivery Plan

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1 Videos

towards the goal

Go through 5 stages of our program to reach your goal


full stack web developer course

Course Brief

Two course bundles are included in this self-paced course to help you become a proficient full stack web developer with the ability to create and manage web application. Here are some specifics about the course:


Admission Time

Open All Time
Enroll & Access Today


Total Duration

2 Months Self-paced learning


Program Benefits

Certificate of Completion




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+47 412 86 050


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The Technologies Covered

With these technologies, you’ll be able to create your applications with ease. To get to the top of the IT job market, list these software technologies on your resume as part of your skill set. Our lectures, course materials, activities, assignments and projects will help you become proficient in using these technologies. When combine all these SkillSets, you become a ‘Full Stack Web Developer’.

Backend Skill Sets

#1 - Asp.Net Core
Backend App Dev Framework
#2 - C# Programming
Build backend logic
#3 - SQL Server
Database Management
#4 - Postman
Web API Testing
#5 - Swagger
Web API Design
#6 - Docker
Deploy App in Isolation
#7 - Keycloack
Secure the App
#8 - Visual Studio IDE
For backend development
#9 - Rest API
Deliver Json Data
#1 - Asp.Net Core
Backend App Dev Framework
#2 - C# Programming
Build backend logic
#3 - SQL Server
Database Management
#4 - Postman
Web API Testing
#5 - Swagger
Web API Design
#6 - Docker
Deploy App in Isolation
#7 - Keycloack
Secure the App
#8 - Visual Studio IDE
For backend development
#9 - Rest API
Deliver Json Data
#1 - Asp.Net Core
Backend App Dev Framework
#2 - C# Programming
Build backend logic
#3 - SQL Server
Database Management
#4 - Postman
Web API Testing
#5 - Swagger
Web API Design
#6 - Docker
Deploy App in Isolation
#7 - Keycloack
Secure the App
#8 - Visual Studio IDE
For backend development
#9 - Rest API
Deliver Json Data

Frontend Skill Sets

#1 - React
App Development
#2 - Redux
Simplify React Dev
#3 - JavaScript
Implement complex features
#4 - HTML
For website creation
#5 - CSS
For website styling
#6 - Bootstrap
For web responsiveness
#7 - Node.js
For Server Side Dev
#8 - Figma
For Collaborative Design
#9 - VS Code
Code Editor
#1 - React
App Development
#2 - Redux
Simplify React Dev
#3 - JavaScript
Implement complex features
#4 - HTML
For website creation
#5 - CSS
For website styling
#6 - Bootstrap
For web responsiveness
#7 - Node.js
For Server Side Dev
#8 - Figma
For Collaborative Design
#9 - VS Code
Code Editor
#1 - React
App Development
#2 - Redux
Simplify React Dev
#3 - JavaScript
Implement complex features
#4 - HTML
For website creation
#5 - CSS
For website styling
#6 - Bootstrap
For web responsiveness
#7 - Node.js
For Server Side Dev
#8 - Figma
For Collaborative Design
#9 - VS Code
Code Editor

Industry Standard Project Skill Sets

#1 - Git
Version Control System
#2 - Git Lab
DevOps Platform
#3 - CI/CD
Our Dev Strategy
#4 - Agile
Our Dev Approach
#1 - Git
Version Control System
#2 - Git Lab
DevOps Platform
#3 - CI/CD
Our Dev Strategy
#4 - Agile
Our Dev Approach
#1 - Git
Version Control System
#2 - Git Lab
DevOps Platform
#3 - CI/CD
Our Dev Strategy
#4 - Agile
Our Dev Approach

Download Course Syllabus & Delivery Plan

What you learn?

Industry Standard Coding Approaches & Practices

  1. (1) Develop database driven web apps.
  2. (2) Develop apps in a test-driven manner.
  3. (3) Adopt best design principles for maintainability & scalability.
  4. (4) Replace MVC with Web API.
  5. (5) Secure the app with modern security features.
  6. (6) Deploy and run the apps in the isolation.
What is Included?

Support & Delivery

  • (1) 40 hours of lecture demo video records (20 lessons x 2 hrs. each)

  • (2) Self guided assignment questions and project SRS (Software Requirement Specification)
Course Coverage?

2 Course Bundles

Learn basis of C# Programming

Dot Net Ecosystem – VS IDE Demo – C# Program Structure – Type System – Data Structures – Control Structures – Strings –  Exception Handling

C# Methods for various implementations

Modularization – Constructors – Method Overloading – Params – Property Initializers – Null Conditional Operators – Generics – Delegates – Lambda Expressions – LINQ

Practical Use of Object Oriented Programming

Abstraction – Encapsulation – Inheritance – Polymorphism – Abstract – Interface – Enumerators

Learn Object Oriented Design for Best Project Design

Coupling – Cohesion – Solid Design Principles – Design Patterns

Learn how to develop projects in test-driven manner

Software Testing – Xunit

C# File IO 

File System – Text Files – CSV Files – Managing Errors

Learn Relational Data Modeling

Structured Query Language  (DDL. DML)

Bridge the gap between Database and Program

SQL Client – Repository Pattern – Perform CRUD

The Real Game Starts Here – Entity Framework Core

Object Relational Mapping – EF Core – Code First Approach – Database First Approach – Migration – Relational Mapping – CRUD

Web Server Development & Web API Project

 Monolithic Web App – HTTP Verbs – Status Codes – REST Architecture – Web API – Asp.Net Core Web API (Routing, Attributes, Return Types, Model Binding, Model Validation, Async Await) – Data Transfer Objects – Auto Mapper


Swagger API Documentation – Postman API Testing

Using Docker

Docker Architecture – Docker Hub – Docker Desktop – Deploy WebAPI project in Docker

Implement Security

Authentication – Authorization – OAuth2.0 – OpenID Connect – Token based authentication – Authentication flow – Keycloack – Microsoft Identity Platform


Deploy Web API Project in Azure




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Full Stack Web Developer Course


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Full Stack Web Developer Course offered by SITER Norway?

Unlike SITER’s other instructor-led certification programs, this course is designed in a self-paced learning format to produce Full Stack Web Developers. Two courses covering front-end and back-end technologies are combined into this course’s curriculum. Due to its fully self-paced nature, this course is affordable and easy for candidates to manage on their own schedule. Career support and e-Map are not included in this course. However, the successful candidates will be added to the SITER Talent Pool. Therefore, the registered students will get the benefits of Talent Pool.

Who oversees the Courses?

Who can attend this course?

Is the program self-paced, or does it follow a fixed schedule?

And how long does the program will take to finish?

Who will be in the position to deliver the training sessions?

When are the live lectures offered?

What is the medium of communication with the Instructor?

What type of e-learning materials are provided in this Certification program?

How are the assignments and projects structured, and how are they evaluated?

Tell me more about the capstone project. What does it involve?

Can I enroll in individual courses, or is it a comprehensive program only?

How to enroll this course?

Is the course fee refundable?

Is post-program support available?

How often are webinars and workshops conducted, and are they mandatory?

What topics are covered in the webinars, and how can I access them?

What awaits me after I finish this program?

Can I apply from outside the European Union for IT jobs in Norway?

Does SITER guarantee the job?

What kinds of jobs will I be able to get after this course?

Can I move to Norway or Germany after completing this course?

Regarding this course, I still have some questions. Who should I get in touch with?