self-paced - globally recognized 2 course bundles - High demand skillsets
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self-paced - globally recognized 2 course bundles - High demand skillsets
Online Self-paced, project-oriented, Industry curriculum, Job oriented
2 Months self-paced learning
Any IT fellow who looks for a career change with a high salary or a fresher to start a career in fullstack web development.
Industry Standard course delivery
Our full stack curriculum is designed in collaboration with tech companies in Norway and Germany. We also embedded Microsoft's official curriculum in our program. Our course instructors are MCT - Microsoft Certified Trainer.
Pre-Recorded Lecture Videos, Demos, Workshop Records, Labs, Webinar Records, Self-Guided Projects & Assignments
Great opportunity to visit Europe and attend one of our AZ-900 bootcamps (Reg. fee waived).
Together let's set a goal for your success
towards the goal
Enroll the self-paced course and get access to all the materials immediately after enrollment.
Duration: 1 Month
C#, ASP.NET Core, Web API, SQL Server, Postman, Docker
Self-guided assignments
Duration: 1 Month
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React, Node.js
Self-guided assignments
Fullstack Project Development - Self Guided - Git - Agile Software Development Approach
full stack web developer course
Two course bundles are included in this self-paced course to help you become a proficient full stack web developer with the ability to create and manage web application. Here are some specifics about the course:
With these technologies, you’ll be able to create your applications with ease. To get to the top of the IT job market, list these software technologies on your resume as part of your skill set. Our lectures, course materials, activities, assignments and projects will help you become proficient in using these technologies. When combine all these SkillSets, you become a ‘Full Stack Web Developer’.
(1) 40 hours of lecture demo video records (20 lessons x 2 hrs. each)
Learn basis of C# Programming
Dot Net Ecosystem – VS IDE Demo – C# Program Structure – Type System – Data Structures – Control Structures – Strings – Exception Handling
C# Methods for various implementations
Modularization – Constructors – Method Overloading – Params – Property Initializers – Null Conditional Operators – Generics – Delegates – Lambda Expressions – LINQ
Practical Use of Object Oriented Programming
Abstraction – Encapsulation – Inheritance – Polymorphism – Abstract – Interface – Enumerators
Learn Object Oriented Design for Best Project Design
Coupling – Cohesion – Solid Design Principles – Design Patterns
Learn how to develop projects in test-driven manner
Software Testing – Xunit
C# File IO
File System – Text Files – CSV Files – Managing Errors
Learn Relational Data Modeling
Structured Query Language (DDL. DML)
Bridge the gap between Database and Program
SQL Client – Repository Pattern – Perform CRUD
The Real Game Starts Here – Entity Framework Core
Object Relational Mapping – EF Core – Code First Approach – Database First Approach – Migration – Relational Mapping – CRUD
Web Server Development & Web API Project
Monolithic Web App – HTTP Verbs – Status Codes – REST Architecture – Web API – Asp.Net Core Web API (Routing, Attributes, Return Types, Model Binding, Model Validation, Async Await) – Data Transfer Objects – Auto Mapper
Swagger API Documentation – Postman API Testing
Using Docker
Docker Architecture – Docker Hub – Docker Desktop – Deploy WebAPI project in Docker
Implement Security
Authentication – Authorization – OAuth2.0 – OpenID Connect – Token based authentication – Authentication flow – Keycloack – Microsoft Identity Platform
Deploy Web API Project in Azure
Learn the basis of Web Design
Wireframing – Figma for Prototyping – HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
Design Attractive Website
Cascading Style Sheet – Bootstrap
JavaScript Fundamentals
Data Types – Variables – Arrays – Operators – Conditional Statements – Loops – Functions – Functional Constructor – Hoisting – Recursion – Bind Context – Closure
JavaScript Coding Constructs
Higher Order Functions – Map – Join – Reduce – Callbacks – Promises – Async/Await – DOM Manipulation – Browser APIs – Js Object Orientation – Object Inheritance – Function Prototype – Prototype Inheritance – Js Classes.
Learn newer version of JavaScript
ES6 Features – Arrow Functions – Template Literals – Destructuring – Object Literals – Function Arguments – Modules
Real Game Starts Here
JavaScript Drink App Development
Introduction to React
Frameworks – Single Page Applications – Components – State Management – Routing – React – Virtual DOM – JSX – Functional Components – Class Components – Instantiating React
React Components, Hooks and Props
React Component Anatomy – Naming Conventions – Organizing Components – Creating & Displaying Components – Creating Higher Order Components – Handling User Interaction with Events – State and Component Lifecycle in React – Hooks (useState, useEffect, useReducer) – Component Communication (Props, Events)
React ContextAPI, Router and Forms
ContextAPI – React Router – React Forms – Controlled Components – Uncontrolled Components – React Hook Form – Form Validation
React State Management with Redux
Redux – Create Store – Middleware – useSelector – useDispatch – Redux Dev Tools – Redux Tool Kit – Redux Thunk Middleware – configureStore – CreateAsyncThunk – extraReducers
Frontend Security
Authentication – Authorization – Token-based authentication – Identity providers – Keycloack – Microsoft Entra ID – Self Service Password Reset
Demo Project: React CRUD App
Get 6% off when you pay all at once.
2 Equal Installments
Full Stack Web Developer Course
Unlike SITER’s other instructor-led certification programs, this course is designed in a self-paced learning format to produce Full Stack Web Developers. Two courses covering front-end and back-end technologies are combined into this course’s curriculum. Due to its fully self-paced nature, this course is affordable and easy for candidates to manage on their own schedule. Career support and e-Map are not included in this course. However, the successful candidates will be added to the SITER Talent Pool. Therefore, the registered students will get the benefits of Talent Pool.
SITER administers the courses and is responsible for awarding the Certificate of Completion. The Society of IT Engineers & Researchers is known as SITER. It is a Norwegian organization dedicated to provide accelerated training for working professionals, industry experts, students and job seekers.
Everyone who is interested in a career in information technology is welcome to enroll this self-paced course. This includes experienced software engineers and web developers, working professionals (people with IT and non-IT backgrounds looking to switch careers), students, and job seekers.
Due to it's self paced nature, you can manage it in your own schedule.
The certification program should be completed on time. In our case, you must complete it in 2 months with a Certificate of Completion. After 2 months of completion, you cannot access the e-learning portal and materials.
This course is designed by a team of Industry Experts, Academic Professors and Microsoft Certified Trainer. The high standard of our learning resources, which include lecture videos that have already been filmed, tutorials, and how-to guides, will give enrolled students the same "Live Instructor" experience.
We don't have any live lectures in this course. Please refer ‘What is Included?’ section of this course page.
As it is a self-paced course, there is no direct communication with the instructor. On the other hand, a course advisor or success manager will be assigned to each registered candidate to handle all technical support. The enrolled candidates will use the Teams app for communication (Call, Chat) with the Course Advisor. We have a dedicated e-learning portal where the course materials, assignments, projects and pre-recorded videos and demos are available.
At the beginning of the program, you will be added to our dedicated e-Learning platform. The e-Learning material contains:
1. Course LMS (Lessons, Instructions, How-To Guides and Notes).
2. Power Point Presentations (PPT, PDF Downloadable)
3. Pre-recorded Lecture Videos & Demos
4. Guest Lecturer Webinars & Workshop Records
5. Links to Practical Labs (Hands-on Self-Guided)
6. Links to Browser-based Development Tools
7. Assignments, and Projects (Self-Guided)
8. Diagrams, Deliverables, and Checklist.
Make an appointment with our Course Advisor if you would like to view our course learning platform.
There are activities (assignments) related to each lesson and the projects (as modules) linked to each course bundles. The front-end and back-end project modules come together to form the capstone project.
The assignments and projects are designed for self-practice without any direct supervision and assessment involved.
The students can publish the assignments and projects in the Git (as the Portfolio).
The capstone project will be the end result of your course and that will be the critical turning point in your career. You'll learn how to work together (remember CICD – Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery), solve problems, and use different skills effectively.
You will have the chance to create apps during the capstone project. You will learn how to do industry standard coding for collaborative development, the best naming conventions, and the best design principles for the development of scalable applications.
Sample projects for the consideration:
• Create an e-Commerce Shopping Application like Amazon.
• Create Chat Application like WhatsApp. [Remember WhatsApp is built with React]
• Create Web API Applications like Booking.Com, Facebook and Weather-Forecast-App.
Remember, there is no single technology involved in developing a large complex application. It’s a mix of tools and web technologies involved.
Some of the features of project are:
• Deploy the Web Application.
• A backend database (Azure SQL Database) to store structured data (like Customer data, Product data)
• RESTful API to bring data from external sources to your application.
• Run the application in the isolation (Docker)
• Give better user experience (Prioritize Bootstrap, CSS and responsive design)
• Secure the application (example: Microsoft Entra ID, Multi-factor Authentication)
• Make the things faster and easier (password-less login, social login)
• Build interactive faster apps (React like framework)
• Standardized coding for better maintainability, scalability, and reusability.
• Implement CICD Pipeline for collaborative development, continuous delivery and better customer experience.
You can receive the 2-in-1 benefit by enrolling simply once. Your skill sets will be much satisfied in the job market after finishing this comprehensive program. For enrollment, visit the ‘Admission’ section on this web page.
It is a very simple process. Once you are familiar with our program through this course web page, you can go to ‘Admission’ section in this web page and choose your interested registration option. For more details, visit the ‘Admission’ section of this web page.
Make an appointment to speak with our course advisor if you still have questions or concerns.
Click Here to make an appointment with the Course Advisor.
Our Course Advisor will answer your questions in a scheduled meeting and demonstrate the program for your better understanding.
It is not refundable, sorry. Your admission and seat are guaranteed as soon as payment is received. You can effectively finish the program by following our lectures, assignments, and resources.
Not available. Post-study support is available only for the Certifications.
Webinars and workshops are additional learning opportunities. Even though it is not mandatory for the course completion, we advise you to attend these events to learn something new. For instance, before learning SQL and putting it into practice, taking a webinar on "Relational Data Modeling" will provide a thorough understanding of core data concepts, data structures, normalization and entity relationships. And for those who already know SQL, a webinar on "Advanced SQL" will help them learn more.
Please refer to “What is Included?” section on this web page to see the available webinars. Stay tuned for more details.
It depends on your current background, vision, and outlook.
Some examples are here:
For Experienced:
You can advance your career as a Web Developer to manage your workloads and needs if you are an experienced developer already employed in the field. You may also limit yourself to roles such as Backend developer, Frontend developer and Database Administrator.
For Fresher:
You can add a ton of industry-standard assignments and projects to your portfolio as a student or job seeker. By doing this, you'll be able to shed the "fresher" status and demonstrate some ‘experience’ to the potential employer.
This course will help you to validate your skills in form of projects published in Git, that will please the employer and accelerate the shortlisting of your CV.
Yes, you can apply for skilled jobs from anywhere in the world. A skilled worker visa is required to accept employment in Germany and Norway. Since e-Map service is not available in this program, we cannot provide you any direct support for European Migration. For the migration assistance, you need to take our 3 months' Full Stack Cloud Engineer Certification program.
No. SITER is a provider of accelerated training. As a result, SITER is unable to guarantee any employment. But if you use the training programs well, SITER can ensure that your CV is shortlisted for jobs in Europe even if you apply from outside European Union. If you are skilled with projects in your portfolio (Example: Git Repo), IT companies may give you offer letter.
Please visit our opportunity page for more information.
Yes, you can work in Norway or Germany as a Skilled Worker. All you must do is, apply for jobs after the successful completion of our self-paced course.
For jobs in Norway, you can visit this website:
You can contact the Course Advisor. Take appointment for the zoom meeting and free consultation using this Appointment Link
SITER Konathukudy Mohan
Blomsterdalen 5258
Bergen, Norway
Organization No: 931 859 811
© All Copyright 2024 by SITER